Congratulations Class of 2020!


Final Exercises remarks for the A&S Class of 2020 from Ian Baucom, Buckner W. Clay Dean of Arts & Sciences


You have renewed and expanded the idea the University of Virginia was founded to advance.

You have made the promise of democratic life better and stronger and living.

With all those books you’ve read, with all those ideas you’ve debated, with all your activism, with all your breaking of divisions, with all your art, with all your voices raised in acapella song, with all your differences of perspective and conviction looking up at those night-time stars looking equally down on you, with all your being here and being ready to enter that world ahead, and make it new, you have made the promise of democratic life together better and stronger and living for what you have done and for who you have become.

For that I want not just to congratulate you, but to thank you. For what you have done. For what you will do. For who you will continue to be.

For two hundred years the University was waiting for you.

Thank you for coming and making us new.

-Dean Ian Baucom