
After a faculty or staff member receives a positive result, who should I contact to ensure their office is properly cleaned?

Emergency Management will coordinate appropriate facility cleaning with Facilities Management upon receipt of the notification. Additional follow up may be required with you to confirm the employee’s physical work location(s) and areas that require cleaning.

The person who tested positive works remotely and has not been on Grounds. Do I need to send a co-worker notification?

No.  If the faculty or staff member has been working remotely and not been on Grounds, a co-worker notification is not necessary.

I was told by faculty or staff member that they received a positive result, but I have not heard from Employee Health. Should I send a co-worker notification?

To avoid the risk of sharing inaccurate information, we recommend waiting for the official secure email notification from Employee Health before sending a co-worker notification.  If you have not received the secure email notification, please check your spam folder or contact Employee Health.

Who should receive the “co-worker” notification email?

Co-worker notification is required by law not only to provide information to individuals in the workplace of a positive case, but also to provide transparency and to allow for appropriate action that may be required. 

My preference is to teach my course online, but I would occasionally like to be able to meet with small groups of students. What are my options?

Once social distancing measures are put into place, many of our classrooms will be too small to use for regular classes. We are developing a process to allow instructors to reserve these rooms (as you would a conference room) for occasional meetings with students, office hours, independent studies, and other similar activities.

I am concerned about my internet connectivity; what are my options?

Faculty have several options if their internet connectivity at home is a concern. First, you should feel free to teach from your office on Grounds. Second, you can request a small classroom in which to conduct your online teaching. Finally, you may request a hotspot to improve connectivity at your home.


Can I meet with students in my office?

We encourage you to limit in person meetings, meeting virtually when practical. In-person meetings may be scheduled outdoors, or in conference rooms. You may meet with students in your office. However, your office will need to be arranged to allow six feet social distancing, all attendees should wear face coverings while meeting, you should wear a face covering if in your office during the three hours prior to any meetings, and you should wipe shared surfaces with sanitizer prior to meeting.

Can I teach outdoors instead of in a classroom?

Updated August 13, 2020

Online Courses 

Online courses cannot have class in person and cannot hold class outdoors. They can host occasional in person meetings, office hours, etc, but cannot require attendance and must offer an alternative for remote students.  

In Person Courses 

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