
After my positive test result, when can I return to work?

Prior to returning to physically returning to work, you are required to obtain clearance from Employee Health. Upon receiving clearance, Employee Health will send the following notice to you and your supervisor.

I have received a positive test result. Can I send an email to my colleagues?

While you are free to share your own test results, your manager or supervisor will be informed not to include your name in any communication.

Will I be notified if I receive a positive test result?

Yes.  Employee Health will send a secure email notifying the following parties of a positive case which includes identifying information (name of the employee):

Will I be notified if I receive a negative test result?

Yes.  If test results are negative you will be cleared to physically return to work (if you work on Grounds). You and your manager will be notified by Employee Health.

What should I do while I am waiting for my test results?
  • If you are able to work remotely, you should continue to do so pending the test result.
  • If the you are unable to work remotely due to symptoms or the nature of your work, you should look into a paid leave category (PHEL - Public Health Emergency Leave) pending the outcome of the test.
When can an employee who tested positive return to work?

Prior to returning to physically returning to work, the employee is required to obtain clearance from Employee Health. Upon receiving clearance, Employee Health will send the following notice to the employee and supervisor.

After a faculty or staff member receives a positive result, who should I contact to ensure their office is properly cleaned?

Emergency Management will coordinate appropriate facility cleaning with Facilities Management upon receipt of the notification. Additional follow up may be required with you to confirm the employee’s physical work location(s) and areas that require cleaning.

The person who tested positive works remotely and has not been on Grounds. Do I need to send a co-worker notification?

No.  If the faculty or staff member has been working remotely and not been on Grounds, a co-worker notification is not necessary.

I have a pretty good idea who the person who tested positive works with and is in contact with the most. Can I send the co-worker notification to them only?

As a manager or supervisor, you are likely in the best position to have a sense of who was and was not in close physical contact with an employee who tests positive.  While we recommend erring on the side of caution and including the employee(s) in the distribution of the message, if you have a clearer sense of those who need to receive a notification, you are welcome to send the co-worker notification to a more localized group of individuals.

I was told by faculty or staff member that they received a positive result, but I have not heard from Employee Health. Should I send a co-worker notification?

To avoid the risk of sharing inaccurate information, we recommend waiting for the official secure email notification from Employee Health before sending a co-worker notification.  If you have not received the secure email notification, please check your spam folder or contact Employee Health.

I don’t know how has been in contact with the person who tested positive. Should I gather that information from the faculty or staff member?

Managers and supervisors should not contact individuals to determine whether they came in contact with someone with a positive diagnose.  And in all cases, managers must maintain the confidentiality of the identity of the infected individual. “Co-worker notification” is not the same as contact tracing. The Virginia Department of Public Health is responsible for contact tracing, which involves connecting with individuals who may have come in close contact with a confirmed positive case. Co-worker notification operates very differently.

Should I send a co-worker notification to everyone in the department?

As a manager or supervisor, you are likely in the best position to have a sense of who was and was not in close physical contact with an employee who tests positive. If you are unsure of the status of whether an employee(s) should be included in the notification, we recommend erring on the side of caution and including the employee(s) in the distribution of the message.   While individuals who are working remotely all the time likely do not need to know of a confirmed positive case since they are not likely to have been exposed, being broad and inclusive in the not

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